BACS Software
Powerful software from experts, for experts
Most battery failures seem random and coincidental. That is because conventional monitoring systems passively observe the current system status, so, at best, you can watch the death of a battery.
The data required for the active control process, when precisely analyzed, can provide initial indications of, for instance, poor-quality charging current, unusual temperature fluctuations within a battery or premature voltage drops during the discharging process, unusually high internal resistance, etc.
Hidden damage can be detected via a variety of minor quality losses that normally fall through the cracks. With the BACS®VIEWER and a bit of
practice working with the features, the probability that an individual battery will fail can be determined, reliable statements about the overall status of the system can be made and maintenance windows can be reduced to the absolutely necessary minimum.
As a bonus, you can use the tools to automatically generate a statistical report including the status of a battery system.
Datenblatt (PDF, 1,019.09 KB)
Zusätzliche Informationen
- BACS Programmer Check the wiring
- BACS Reader Read out the battery data in real time
- BACS Viewer Collect and archive
- Check the data quality
- Configure alarm thresholds
- Deep analysis of measurement values
- Fault analysis after malfunctions
- Find EM-based faults
- Inspect BACS modules
- Organize documents
- Perform functional tests
- Plan maintenance windows
- Program the BACS modules
- Replace individual module
- Any technician involved in battery management and who, accordingly, has to work with time-sensitive maintenance windows. This software package can prepare the actual work that needs to be performed. BACS modules can be programmed in advance or important measurement data can be read out during installation and configuration.